Upcoming events
upcoming events
May 13th: Ars Publica
past events
April 2023: Rockford Symphony Orchestra Americana
August 2nd, 2022: Performance with Rock Valley Community Orchestra
January 2019: View the Manhattan Mercury Article about Laura: http://themercury.com/features/strings-teacher-works-to-make-classic-music-more-accessible/article_bece73eb-12f4-5063-adc0-df885b8c0625.html
February 2nd 2019: Rockford Music Academy Suzuki Workshop: Guest Clinician
Januray 2019: String Fling: Guest Conductor/Clinician
August 2018: National Flute Convention Presentation: El Sistema Teaching
May, 2018: Suzuki Conference Presentation: Burn with the Obligation to Save the World
May 13, 2017: CMA Suzuki Group Class Recital; Center for Musical Arts, Lafayette, CO; 10:30am
May 17, 2017: El Sistema Swansea Site Concert; Swansea Elementary School, Denver, CO; 4:30pm
May 20, 2017: Before the Flame, LifeArt Dance Ensemble and Pyxis Reckon; DL Parsons Theatre, Northglenn, CO; 8:00pm
May 21, 2017: Before the Flame, LifeArt Dance Ensemble and Pyxis Reckon; DL Parsons Theatre, Northglenn, CO; 2:00pm
February, 2017: Laura Eakman, "Burn with the Obligation to Save the World," forthcoming article in American Suzuki Journal
February, 2017: Mei-Mey Segura and Laura Eakman; Center for Musical Arts Recital, Violin and Viola duets, Time TBA
March 3, 2017: Pyxis, Reckon; Boulder House Concert, Beethoven Serenade, 7:30
March 23, 2017: Laura Eakman and Mary Matthews; "El Sistema Teaching: preparing a new generation of music educators" presentation at the Regional College Music Society chapter in New Mexico; View the schedule here: http://www.music.org/pdf/conf/reg/rm/2017schedule.pdf
April 19, 2017: Laura Eakman; El Sistema Presentation; String Pedagogy Class, CU Boulder